Press comments on our team and the exciting work of the heir investigators

Inheritance investigation is a topic that is largely unknown to the general public. Nevertheless, the media are always keen to pick up on the work of heir investigators, which is as fascinating as it is varied. In the following, we have compiled some press commentaries on heir investigation and our exciting work.

  • The Sonntagzeitung of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) portrays our work in its article and presents some exciting cases. It also discusses the skills that characterize an heir tracer.

    "At ADD Holstein , the genealogist Max Bloch was responsible for the case. The heir tracer tracked down a so-called census card in old archives, which contained the name, place and date of birth as well as the names of the unknown aunt's parents."

    "This should open up even more chapters of her family history for her. They would have remained hidden if Weber-Klein had not opened that mysterious letter last summer."

    FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE SONNTAGZEITUNG (issue no. 22/2024) and online on the FAZ website (02.06.2024).

  • As we have already reported, our French partner company ADD Associés is frequently involved in the investigation of so-called looted art cases. The "Armand Dorville" case, whose heirs were identified by our colleagues, is particularly prominent. The restitution proceedings are still ongoing today.

    The cultural magazine of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg is dedicated in particular to the life story of the lawyer Armand Dorville and also sheds light on the memorial work of the heirs.

    "rbb KULTUR" (issue from December 7, 2024), available online on the ARD media library website.

  • DER SPIEGEL magazine reports on a curious and tragic case of inheritance. The testator had drawn up several wills, but it has not been conclusively clarified whether he was capable of making a will. Through our investigations, we were able to find numerous legal heirs.

    "[...], the Berlin-based company ADD Holstein Erbenermittlung began searching on its own and came across a widely ramified family tree with a total of 133 relatives. "We are convinced that at least 14 relatives between the ages of 33 and 87 are entitled to inherit," says managing director Jan-Mathis Holstein." (excerpt from the article)

    DER SPIEGEL (issue 25/2023) and at SPIEGEL online, 06/15/2023

  • Our partner company ADD Associés has already been able to find the rightful heirs for artworks that are part of the so-called "looted art" in several cases. Here, TAGESSPIEGEL reports on one of the cases:

    "The work has now been returned to the descendants. A moving moment on Monday in the Alte Nationalgalerie: Antoine Djikpa of ADD & Associés, a company for inheritance mediation, [...] had come for the family - not to receive the painting, but to sign a purchase contract with the restitution at the same time." (excerpt from the article)

    TAGESSPIEGEL online, 18.10.2021

  • The Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ) reports on the work of the heir investigator Dr. Max Bloch.

    "Every year, 60,000 people with substantial estates die leaving no known descendants. That's when inheritance investigators come into play." (Excerpt from the article)

    WAZ Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 29.07.2017

  • Interview with Jan-Mathis Holstein on the issue of inactive accounts at banks in Germany.

    NDR Info Radio Germany, August 2016

  • Finanztest / Stiftung Warentest reports on the profession of heir investigator and gives advice on what to do if you are contacted about an unresolved inheritance matter.

    Finanztest / Stiftung Warentest Publisher 06/2017