A portrait of our work in the FAZ Sonntagszeitung

As historians and lawyers who usually do their work at their desks or in archives, we are naturally not media professionals. That is why we are always a little nervous when journalists ask us about our work. At the same time, however, it is a special opportunity to make our work better known when a major national newspaper like the Frankfurter Allgemeine reports on us. The journalist Leon Scherfig took the time to discuss the most important questions on the subject of heir tracing with us and also gives an experienced estate curator and an heiress we have traced a chance to speak.

Even close relatives can be unknown

The described constellation of an unknown aunt is not as rare as many people think. Time and again, we hear people say that they know their family very well and that there is nothing to inherit from the people they know. Much more frequently, however, our research concerns more distant relatives. In these cases, it is easy for the heirs we contact to understand that they do not know all their second cousins.

A small addition to the content

We noticed one more thing that could be misunderstood in the otherwise great article: The Bayreuth Federal Archives do not store any civil status documents. Our statement refers to a large number of other documents held there, but not to civil status documents.

Link to the article: The article can be read in the print edition no. 22 (2024) and online on the FAZ website(here online at FAZ.net, 02.06.2024)


ADD HOLSTEIN opens office in Innsbruck, Austria


Restitution proceedings successfully concluded with the involvement of ADD